



Copy the text that isn't boldened. If needed, replace the text within the curly brackets in order to make it more relevant for you.


I want you to act as an {advertiser}. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. My first suggestion request is {"I need help creating an advertising campaign for a new type of chocolate bar targeting adults aged 20-30."}

Social Media Strategist

Act as a {social media strategist}, draft me 10 unique strategies I can apply to a LinkedIn post to build excitement from the audience and increase clicks and conversions on a link at the bottom of the post.

Growth Marketer

Act as a growth marketer, set out a 3 month marketing plan for my {TikTok and LinkedIn} accounts in order to grow {followers and views}.

PAS Copy

How can I create persuasive copy using the PAS formula?

Copywriting Formulas

What are some common formulas for copywriting and how can they be used?

Trust and Social Proof

How can I build trust with my audience through the use of social proof in my copywriting?

Headline Best Practice

What are some best practices for crafting headlines in copywriting?

Audience Connection

How can I create a strong connection with my audience through the use of emotional appeals in my copywriting?

Response and Brand

How do direct response copywriting and brand copywriting differ?

Scarcity and Urgency

How can I increase conversions by using scarcity and urgency in my copywriting?

AIDA Copywriting

How can the AIDA model be applied in copywriting?


How can I connect with my audience through storytelling in my copywriting?

Feature and Benefit

How does the difference between a feature and a benefit apply to copywriting?

Problem Agitate Solve

How can I apply the problem-agitate-solve method in my copywriting?

Common Mistakes

What are some common mistakes to avoid in copywriting?

Increase Power Word Conversions

How can I increase conversions by using power words in my copywriting?

Long form vs short form

How does long-form copywriting differ from short-form copywriting?

Trust and customer testimonials

How can I build trust with my audience by using customer testimonials in my copywriting?

Difference between web and print

How does copywriting for web differ from copywriting for print?

Before after bridge - copywriting

How can I apply the before-after-bridge method in my copywriting?

B2C vs B2B

How does copywriting for B2C differ from copywriting for B2B?

Inverted Pyramid

How can I apply the inverted pyramid method in my copywriting?


How can I increase conversions by using the power of specificity in my copywriting?

Emotional Connection

How can I create an emotional connection with my audience by using the power of the senses in my copywriting?

Lesser Known Techniques

What are some lesser-known techniques for increasing conversions through copywriting?


How can I connect with my audience by using humor in my copywriting?


Can you give an example of an unexpected or unconventional successful copywriting campaign?

Emotional Connection

How can I create a stronger emotional connection with my audience by using sensory language in my copywriting?


Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that effectively appeals to the senses?


How can I increase conversions by using the power of contrast in my copywriting?

Contrast Examples

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that uses the power of contrast?

Power of Association

How can I increase conversions by using the power of association in my copywriting?

Power of Association Examples

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that uses the power of association?

Power of Anticipation

How can I increase conversions by using the power of anticipation in my copywriting?

Power of Anticipation Examples

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that uses the power of anticipation?

Power of Curiosity

How can I increase conversions by using the power of curiosity in my copywriting?

Power of Curiosity Examples

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that uses the power of curiosity?

Power of Nostalgia

How can I increase conversions by using the power of nostalgia in my copywriting?

Power of Nostalgia Examples

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that uses the power of nostalgia?

Power of Surprise

How can I increase conversions by using the power of surprise in my copywriting?

Power of Surprise Examples

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that uses the power of surprise?

Power of Repetition

How can I increase conversions by using the power of repetition in my copywriting?

Successful Copy Example

Can you provide an example of a successful copy

Power of Exclusivity

How can I increase conversions by using the power of exclusivity in my copywriting?

Power of Exclusivity Examples

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that uses the power of exclusivity?

Power of Authority

How can I increase conversions by using the power of authority in my copywriting?

Power of Authority Examples

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that uses the power of authority?

Power of Scarcity

How can I increase conversions by using the power of scarcity in my copywriting?

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