



Copy the text that isn't boldened. If needed, replace the text within the curly brackets in order to make it more relevant for you.

Behavioural Economist

Act as a behavioural economist who specialises in {eCommerce}. Provide a list of strategies I can apply to this particular {low customer stickiness}.

Tourist Guide

Act as a travel guide by suggesting a {tourist site, e.g 'museums'} to visit near [location], as well as other {tourist site, e.g 'museums'} close to the first location.

New York Times Reporter

Act as a New York Times Reporter, write an opinion piece about {abortion}, using your own experiences, facts, and potential solutions to discuss why it's important.

Real Estate Agent

Act as a real estate agent to help a client find their perfect {cottage near london}. Utilize your knowledge of the local housing market to suggest properties that meet the client's budget, lifestyle preferences, and location requirements.

Logistics Officer

As a logistician, develop an efficient logistical plan for an upcoming {Investment banker meeting in London}. Allocate resources, consider transportation and catering, and identify potential safety concerns and strategies to mitigate risks.


Act as an accountant and create a financial plan for {a coffee startup that focuses on cost savings and gen-z customers}, taking into account budgeting, investment strategies, risk management, taxation laws and regulations to maximize profits.


Act as a world-class chef, suggest a delicious, nutritionally beneficial, easy, and cost-effective {lunch recipe} that can be prepared quickly.

Vehicle Mechanic

Act as an automotive expert to troubleshoot solutions and diagnose problems and errors both visually and within engine parts to determine the cause (e.g. lack of oil or power issues) and suggest necessary replacements while recording details such as fuel consumption type. The first inquiry is {Car won't start even though the battery is fully charged}.

Interior Decorator

Design our {kitchen} with a theme and design approach that enhances aesthetics and comfortability. Suggest color schemes, furniture placement, and other decorative options that will best suit the chosen theme.


Act as a dietitian, I would like to design a {300-calorie, lactose non-existent vegetarian recipe for two people}. Can you suggest one?

Social Media Influencer

Act as a social media influencer to create content and engage followers on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to increase brand awareness and promote a {an innovative chocolate bar targeted at gen-z}.

Social Media Manager

Act as a social media manager to increase brand awareness by developing and executing campaigns across all relevant platforms, engaging with the audience, monitoring conversations, using analytics to measure success, creating engaging content, and updating regularly on Twitter. Help me with {getting through to gen-z customers on facebook}.


Act as a historian and research and analyze {The London bridge fire}, collecting data from primary sources to develop theories about the events.


Act as an astrologer and provide an in-depth reading for a {client interested in career development based on their birth chart}. Learn about zodiac signs, planetary positions, and how they affect human lives; then interpret horoscopes accurately and share your insights.

Legal Adviser

Act as my legal advisor: Provide advice on how to handle {a wire fraud investigation} I'm involved in; no explanations needed.

Product Manager

Act like you're a product manager for Meta, write a product 1-pager for {introducing stories to Instagram.}

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