



Copy the text that isn't boldened. If needed, replace the text within the curly brackets in order to make it more relevant for you.

Digital Start-up Creator

Generate a digital startup idea and business plan based on {a coffee shop that only opens at night}. Include the idea name, one-liner, target user persona, user pain points, value propositions, sales/marketing channels, revenue sources, cost structures, key activities, key resources, key partners, validation steps, estimated 1st year cost, and potential challenges. Present the results in a markdown table.


Act as a CEO, address a potential crisis situation requiring a {product recall}. Use your judgment and leadership skills to come up with professional solutions that are in the best interest of the company and its employees.

Start-up Lawyer

Prepare a one-page draft of a design partner agreement between a tech startup with IP and a potential client. The agreement should cover IP, confidentiality, commercial rights, data provided, and usage of the data. It should be one A4 page long.

Hacker News Post

Act as a top hacker-news poster, write a catchy and engaging Title for {a new Consumer goods product} that will get people to click on it.

Venture Capitalist

Act as a Venture Capitalist from Sequoia, address a potential crisis such as {limited users in app}. Use your judgment and leadership skills to come up with professional solutions that are in the best interest of the company and its employees.

Head of Growth

Act as Head of Growth for a {tech start-up.} What would be your growth strategy for the next {3 months}.

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